Monday, February 1, 2021

Take Care of Yourself

 Cara Reilly is the author of this post. Cara serves as the Coordinator for Service and Volunteerism in the Office of Mission and Ministry here at Mount Mercy University.

We live in a world where information is literally at our fingertips all day, every day. Want to know what beans Kim Kardashian had on her salad today? That’s easy, just look at Instagram. Instant answers, instant gratification. Want to know where you can get that fluffy red blanket you saw in Leonardo DiCaprio’s photo? No problem, there is a link to the website in the comments. That website has the fluffy red blanket, the striped blue one, and the extra-large blanket in 32 different colors. Yes, information is at our fingertips, but not all that information is helpful or easily understandable.

An excess of information can be overwhelming. It is not uncommon to be doing research and end up with information overload, which can lead to information anxiety. There are millions of terabytes of information on the internet. Some information in the form of data, facts, statements, reports, opinions and feelings. Information overload can make understanding and effectively making decisions extremely difficult.

Sometimes it is all just too much.

This world isn’t just informational, it is busy. I have found myself thinking that when I am busy, I am helping; when I am busy, I am working hard; when I am busy, I am achieving. I mean come on, haven’t you ever heard “the key to success is 1% genius and 99% perspiration”? It can get exhausting! Technology makes it easy to answer the work email that came in at 7:00pm. Or to continue the group project well into the morning hours. It feels like being busy is just a part of life. Do you know what is really scary? Feeling the need to stay busy during our free time! Have you ever found yourself watching The Bachelor (your current favorite show on Hulu) and reaching for your phone during the one-minute ad? Why sit still during a one-minute ad when you can catch up with your friend’s Snap Chat Stories? It isn’t enough to be streaming, you have to be scrolling as well. The need to stay busy is powerful.

Sometimes it is all just too much.

So what do you do when you realize you have been reading the same sentence over and over again? Your brain has been busy for 16 hours straight. What do you do when your eyes start to hurt from your screen light? You have been taking in information continuously for 14 hours. What do you do when you stand and your muscles ache, when you sit and your muscles ache? You recharge. You reset. You concentrate on your needs. Put your busyness aside, and take care of yourself.

You know your body better than anyone else. Your body will tell you what it needs, listen to it! Sometimes you have to put your needs first. Not convinced? Well, when you are on an airplane and the oxygen masks drop down, what do you do?

“First, place the mask over your mouth and nose. Pull the straps to tighten. If you are traveling with others, make sure that your mask is on first before assisting them.”

It is hard to help others if you cannot function yourself. Matthew 7:5, “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Examining your own needs, and taking care of yourself first, will aid you in helping others.

What are some of the best ways to recharge you ask? Well, that all depends on you. Recharging looks different to everyone. Some people want consistency in their schedule or actions. Others recharge by going out on a limb and trying something new. Sometimes it is hanging out with friends, or sometimes it is being alone and rereading Little Women for the 20th time. Will eating a Dairy Queen Blizzard at 9:00pm help you recharge? If yes, then do it. Maybe it is time you finally take that vacation to Ireland you have been planning on Pinterest for 4 years. Do what you need to do. It is your body and your needs.

It is ok if this busy and informational world gets to be too much. You are not alone. Take the time to recharge for your mental health, for your physical health, and for your emotional health. Don’t let this crazy world consume you. Recharge so you can be the best version of yourself.

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